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Activity title

Scientific Support to NATO Navy Armaments Group (NNAG) above Water Warfare Capability Group

Activity Reference




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Start date


End date



Command and Control, Counter Terrorism, Countermeasures, Data Links, Databases, ECM, Electronic Warfare, EO, EOB, EPM, ESM, Interoperability, IR, Joint Operations, Littoral, Navigational Warfare, Sensors, SIGINT, Situation Awareness


Control and Control and exploitation of the electromagnetic spectrum has become as much a part of modern warfare as air superiority or dominance of the sea lanes. Electronic Warfare (EW) is the mission area responsible for establishing and maintaining a favourable ‘position’ of own military entities in the electromagnetic domain (ESM, ECM and EA), a domain in which the applications and systems utilizing it are increasing with accelerating speed. This TG follows from the work of SCI-358 and SCI-320.


The objective of the projected TG is to couple and interface with the AWWCG by providing a visible assessment of capabilities, shortfalls and resolution paths. The TG will provide scientific support for the NEMO trials, and/or AWWCG Workshops, by adopting elements of the scientific method to permit more control over objectives and trial activity from year to year.


- Future threats: Identify targeting mechanisms; Identify trajectories; Identify seeker mechanisms, including ECCM; Identify and verify counter measure options and tactics, including left-of-launch ECM. - Enabling EW (Electronic Attack) concept development. - Joint and/or collaborative EW concept development and validation (e.g. via combined NNAG-AWWCG – NAFAG-AG3 trials) - Force) ASMD simulation and modelling; model validation across the NATO nations. - (Force) EW tactical decision aid validation during field trials. - Set platform signature requirements in association with SET-269 RTG (EO/IR) and SET-295 RTG (Radar); Investigate impact of active RF emission signatures. - Provide technical or scientific advice for specific related topics, e.g. NASMDEF (NATO Anti-Ship Missile Defence Evaluation Facility), and/or specific NIAG EW-related studies. - Identify areas of research for study groups (STO studies) e.g. Enabling EW

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